Rent Geared to Income Communities

Rent Geared to Income (RGI) is a type of housing assistance where rent is calculated based on household income and is affordable to the resident(s). RGI benefits allow a renter to pay about 30% of household income for rent.

How to apply for RGI

Please note: Peterborough Housing Corporation does not handle applications for RGI housing.

Housing Access Peterborough manages the RGI application process and the RGI Housing waitlist. Housing Access Peterborough is operated by Peterborough Social Services.

To apply for RGI housing, ask questions about your application, and to make changes contact the City of Peterborough Social Services office at 178 Charlotte Street Peterborough (in the Charlotte Mews). You can also call 705-748-8830, visit the City of Peterborough website, or email for more information.

Rent Geared To Income Application