572 Crystal Drive – Sunshine Homes Joins Peterborough Housing Corporation

As of September 21st, 2017, the Peterborough Housing Corporation (PHC) took over the property management services for the Sunshine Homes Non-Profit Inc. (Sunshine Homes). On February 1st, 2018, the ownership of the Sunshine Homes property was transferred to PHC along with all responsibilities of tenancies, maintenance, and capital repairs.

As of June 1st, 2018, Denise Campbell is pleased to be the Resident Services Manager at 572 Crystal Drive. Denise is responsible for a wide range of management duties, including dealing with tenancy matters, developing strategies for positive staff-tenancy interactions, and creating an environment that encourages tenant engagement and community development. We encourage you to be in touch with Denise for all resident services matters via 705-742-0439, ex. 215 or DCampbell[at]ptbohousingcorp.ca.

Our Resident Services Coordinator, Tania Fredericks, is looking forward to providing a wide range of administrative and clerical support services required in the day to day management of the tenancies at 572 Crystal Drive. If you have questions concerning household composition, to report a change in income, or to request an internal transfer, we encourage you to be in touch with Tania Fredericks via 705-742-0439, ex. 212 or TFredericks[@]ptbohousingcorp.ca.